LIFE MASTERY JOURNEYS Sophia Circle Journeys ThetaHealing

What else is possible?

What else is possible?

Life Mastery Healing & Coaching & Energetic Support

Paint a new picture of your life & achieve more

Do you have a problem nobody has been able to solve?

Life Mastery Coaching is for those who want their mystery problem solved and their goals achieved in record time.

  • Do you want to achieve the extraordinary?
  • Do you want to experience fulfillment, peace and harmony?
  • Do you want to beat all odds?
  • Do you want to turn your life around?

You want a miracle, we will help you experience it.

Life Mastery Coaching gives you:

  • Clarity on the true blocks causing your problem
  • Knowledge of what you’re missing to resolve your challenge
  • Help you understand what your problems have to do with life lessons you are here to learn
  • Seed up the process of mastering virtues
  • An upgrade to your mind’s software to master anything you’re dealing with
  • Clear any issue, whether conscious or subconscious, karmic, present life, planetary, other-dimensional in origin

Who is our Life Mastery Coaching for?

  • You are serious about change and ready to take action
    You want an approach that finally works
  • You’re looking for the missing link
  • You value your success more than your ego
  • You want to hear the truth, whether comfortable or not
  • You want to get to the root of the problem and upgrade yourself, so that your life will turn out better than you have ever expected
  • You are committed to achieving your goals, even if it means leaving your comfort zone behind
  • You are open-minded to expand your horizon
  • You are willing to have current beliefs challenged that contributed to your situation
  • You want more than some minor improvements or sugar coating

Witness instant improvement

What sort of topics can be addressed with Life Mastery Coaching?

  • Career & lifestyle questions
  • Business optimisation
  • Team spirit enhancement
  • Staff performance improvement
  • Finding love, your ideal soul mate, a divine mission partner
  • Marital problems
  • Psychic attack, curses, Vodoo, black magic
  • Health challenges, any illness or condition can be worked on
  • Financial goals, abundance, wealth generation
  • Performance targets in sports and sales etc.
  • Public speaking and other social fears
  • Mental health disturbances
  • Addiction
  • Sexual enjoyment and performance
  • Personality disorders
  • Under-performance
  • Character shortcomings
  • Limiting belief systems
  • Prejudice
  • Family relations
  • Abuse and neglect, violence
  • Trauma
  • Death of a loved one
  • Personal development
  • Psychic development
  • Karmic contracts
  • Oaths, vows, agreements
  • Anything you’re dedicated to improve
Life Mastery Coaching & Healing is available upon request. Depending on your situation, we will employ a range of tools to help you create your desired results quickly and with ease. Elements from over 30 modalities such as NLP, Hypnotherapy, Access Consciouness, TimeWaver, ThetaHealing, Reiki, Life Coaching, Success Coaching, Neurological Repatterning, Psychotherapy, Timeline Therapy, Regression Therapy, Psychic Assessments and Guidance, Energy Assessments, Family Constellation Work, etc.

 If you are interested in working with us, please fill out the application form or go straight to the online store thank you.

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