LIFE MASTERY JOURNEYS Sophia Circle Journeys ThetaHealing

What else is possible?

What else is possible?

Rise above your obstacles

Rendez-vous with the stars

Rendez-vous with the stars

Rise above your obstacles

    • Are you working on creating an amazing life, but can’t seem to make it happen?
    • Have you wondered if there is an easier way?
    • Are you a modern day lightworker on the way to enlightenment?

Yes? Then you are in the right place at the right time.

Life Mastery Journeys offers you tools and safe support on your Ascension Journey;

  • ThetaHealing Sessions and Seminars,
  • Intuitive Success Coaching,
  • Energy Healing, Time Waver
  • Sophia Circle Journey Sacred Space Gatherings based on the “Sophia Code”
  • Family Constellation Sessions
  • Coaching for Coaches
  • Psychic Guidance

Life Mastery Journeys: Lorea Elia and Iris the Oracle are here to help you enjoy life to the fullest and joyfully walk your personal development path to life mastery! Clear your blocks and limiting beliefs, addictions, trauma,  family line patterns, reduce your pain body, upgrade your DNA, and reclaim your sovereignty. We are here to support you!

  • Imagine what could be if you actually achieved vibrant health?
  • How would your life change if you had that success you’ve been dreaming of?
  • Picture having found your match, a compatible soul mate with who to fulfill your mission?
  • What if attaining inner peace suddenly were easy? Could you get excited about all of this?

Take action right here! You will find a range of services that let you walk your journey and attain your goals with much greater ease and grace.

At Life Mastery Journeys, we help you take the struggle out of achieving and living your dreams and making your journey to embodied enlightenment joyfilled. The days, when personal development, regaining health or attaining success appeared to be reserved for the lucky few are over.

Life Mastery Coaching

Life Mastery Coaching is for those who want their mystery problem solved and their goals achieved in record time.

  • Do you want to achieve the extraordinary?
  • Do you want to experience fulfillment, peace and harmony?
  • Do you want to beat all odds?
  • Do you want to turn your life around?

You want a miracle, we will help you experience it.

Life Mastery Coaching gives you:

  • Access to hidden information
  • Clarity on the true blocks causing your problem
  • Remotely solves any energetic challenge for you, step by step, upgrading your unconscious software to master anything you’re dealing with
  • Clearing of outdated beliefs, oaths, vows and behavioural patterns
  • Peace, joy, inner alignment and congruence, relief, forgiveness


What would your life be like if you lived in alignment with your Higher Self, your Soul’s unlimited creativity and power, and if you were able to create your own Heaven on Earth?

Are you ready to align yourself with divine truth, with your divine birthrights of sovereignty, peace, safety, love, connection, enlightenment, and absolute well-being?

If so, check out our Sophia Circle Journeys in Australia and internationally, held online as well as in person, in English, French / English, German/English, Italian/English.

Life Mastery Journeys Key Players

Lorea T. Elia

Sophia Circle Journeys Facilitator
Intuitive Success Coach
& Healing Facilitator
ThetaHealing Instructor C.o.S

Iris Alheidt-Pehrisch

Family Constellation Facilitator
Psychic Life Coach
ThetaHealing Instructor
Timewaver Consultations

What people say about us

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Lynda loved her Sophia Circle Journey so much, she signed up for another round straight away!

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